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Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. 


The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."


A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.



I relaxed very quickly and incredibly deeply.


My initial nervousness had gone after an initial chat with Steve and on hearing the sound close to my ears.


It was a lovely but strange experience, feeling the vibration of a sound on my feet and knees etc but knowing that there was nothing actually touching. Loved the treatments.

J O, Fork therapy client, Polperro

No, we're not talking of sitting in a darkened room and listening to pre-recorded whale song. Sound when played live vibrates right into the core of your body. Anyone who has listened to live music will agree that you feel music almost as much as you hear it, especially if you're right next to the speaker stack. Our crystal bowls are chakra tuned to help keep you balanced, chime pipes from the ancient solfeggio and planetary scales. Rain sticks, rattles, wooden flute and chimes accenting the treatment, a chow gong mixing soft tones, singing frequencies and the crash of ocean or thunder with a deep resonant drum occasionally in the background makes a wonderful relaxing treatment tailored to your own needs.


Crystal therapy is an ancient healing system which treats people holistically.  Crystals can be placed on the body, around the room, or just a gentle, loving sweep of the aura.


Crystals have been used for many years and it is said that there is even a mention of them in the Christian Bible, records have been shown that some crystals had been found in the breastplate of the high priest.


Crystals are the jewels of the earth. 


Crystals have an energy and I believe each crystal shape, colour and geological make up also help in balancing and healing our energies and aura.  There are arguments for and against Crystal healing, from my point of view crystal healing works within your aura they help to remove stuck energy allowing for release to take place, some people say it is merely the placebo effect. 


Crystals help with the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of our lives.  A gift from mother earth to be used for our own personal healing.

Liked all the forks today apart from the last two which although sounded nice just didn’t seem to do anything.

One of them made my left knee tingle, as though there was an electric current being attached to the pins.

Another (628) reminded me of my grandparents’ house, first it was the smell of their car then their house, very comforting. It also gave me a warm feeling in my left knee like warm water being poured on it.


The one after this sounded as though it was rolling, speeding up then slowing down, almost like waves Not quite echoes.

Moon was the perfect sound to finish with, it made the whole experience feel more complete.

I now feel like telling the world to BRING IT ON. Unlike last week, I feel nicely relaxed but not “floaty”, go on, I can take on the world right now.

J R. Tuning Fork client, Polperro

Tuning Forks


Tuning forks. Pretty much the same as those used to tune instruments really, except these aren't tuned to specific notes so much as frequencies. It has been proved time and time again that certain frequencies affect the human body in different ways. Ultrasound for example does all kinds of things, other frequencies used by the military aren't quite so pleasing though. It is my opinion that our deepest memories can be brought to the surface with sound, think back for a moment, what is your earliest childhood memory? What sound is related to it? I'd guess that there is a smell too. It really is no wonder that clients have reported smelling the colour of sound during a treatment.


The forks we use are frequencies such as 528Hz, this is part of the ancient Solfeggio scale, which is a complete set of forks in its own right. There are forks which represent planets and others that are true harmonics, even forks that work with the endocrine system, and one that is the tonal representation of the earth itself. 


With a background of chime pipes, time really does stretch. A lot of our clients feel that an hour session only felt like 10 to 15 minutes. They also feel that the frequencies are still with them as much as 24 to 48 hours later.


I have been developing a therapy that utilises the healing tones of the Solfeggio scale together with an overtone frequency which seems to hold all the others together. The anecdotal results from this therapy so far are really quite astounding.

I overheard my wife talking to a friend at work today. I’d been telling people about the treatment and they seem genuinely interested, as you know, my wife works in the same place as me. What she said was totally un prompted and she didn’t know I was there. Her friend asked if this sound stuff was working, XXXX said “She didn’t know if it was working but XXXX is certainly a lot happier.” I realised that I had been becoming less happy over the last 12 months or so but was unaware of this projecting to the outside world. I have certainly been feeling a lot more positive about things in general.

S F. Tuning fork therapy client, Polperro

Combined Treatments

We are finding that combining modalities is proving to be beneficial in most cases. Reiki projected through the relaxing tones of the tuning forks, chime pipes or singing bowls brings a new dimension to the therapy. When used in combination with crystals we find that the energy is increased exponentially. Recently, we have been combining all three of these modalities bringing into the treatment Yin Yang energies too.

Personal Sound Bath

The wonderful peace that can only be found when surrounded by the clear sounds from singing bowls and gong, mixed with chime pipes, heart beat drum and gentle rattles created in a space just for you. This can be part of a guided meditative journey if you wish and we can also include crystals and reiki.

I had never had Reiki before and gave it a try because a friend swears by it. It was only half an hour, in a chair but the wrong way round. For a few years I have had back pain, it made my job as a driver quite difficult sometimes. The treatment itself was incredibly relaxing but since it, I have had almost no pain in my back. I have also recommended my friends and family to try it. I'm ever-so impressed and wish I'd found out about Reiki a long time ago.

L. Reiki client, St Austell

The treatment itself was a wonderful experience for me, I really felt the benefit from it.

I had been under a lot of pressure from work demands, and this treatment was able to give me back a sense of balance while liberating me to move more into my natural state of being.

Altogether an amazing treatment , I cant wait to have another.

N F. Crystal therapy client, St Austell

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